March 25, 2011: Waking up Friday morning, 5AM – 3 hours earlier than normal (or rather humanly possible in Korea), I suddenly realize; I had less than an hour to pack, jump on the first subway and arrive in time for my flight to Jeju Island at 7:30. Thank goodness I was smart enough to jot down a to do list a few days beforehand. I’m pretty sure my mind would have crapped out otherwise. In a panicking frenzy, I semi-decently packed/stuffed everything into one backpack, carefully placed my Nikon D5000 in a separate case and flew out the door.

It was too late to turn back now, I was on my way again, to participate in the 100km ultra.

I can’t count the number of times people have asked me why all the running. Some people even say I’m crazy, but in truth, it’s like anything else I feel passionate about. Among other things, I run in order to peel off the days stress, feel accomplished and self-worth. I also run so that I can eat whatever I want without gaining weight…which doesn’t really work after the second can of peanuts or tteokbokki, but oh well.

Anyhow, I made it just in time to grab a sandwich before boarding Jinair and woke up to slightly improved weather. Even though check-in wasn’t until 2PM, I spent time lying in a steamy, relaxing bath and enjoyed a healthy salad buffet at the hotel’s main floor restaurant as other attendees slowly flooded in.

Being away from Seoul was a nice change of pace, a pace that would likely be shattered after my run tomorrow, however.

Strolled for a few around the neighborhood, stopped by E-Mart for some munchies and checked-in room 325 (pretty swanky, huh?).

Much later, around 11pm to be exact, I would awake to the sound of someone pounding at the door. I must’ve been fast asleep as my designated bunkmate informs – her first attempt around 9ish failed and left her with only one choice; take up time by shopping at E-mart, too.

I opened the door to an exhausted and nervous 언니. This would be her first ultra and already things were starting off-course. My bad. I guess we’ll just have to see what happens, tomorrow.

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