Posts Tagged ‘Korea Ultra Marathon Federation’

My brain was exhausted and body wired when it should’ve been the other way around –  as if aware and weary of today’s agenda. That being said, by 7AM I lay in bed, wide-awake, contemplating the idea of eating. I wonder if it’s green porridge again. But of course, with other bits of things added in the mix. Not bad for a 15,000won buffet… (more…)

March 25, 2011: Waking up Friday morning, 5AM – 3 hours earlier than normal (or rather humanly possible in Korea), I suddenly realize; I had less than an hour to pack, jump on the first subway and arrive in time for my flight to Jeju Island at 7:30. Thank goodness I was smart enough to jot down a to do list a few days beforehand. I’m pretty sure my mind would have crapped out otherwise. In a panicking frenzy, I semi-decently packed/stuffed everything into one backpack, carefully placed my Nikon D5000 in a separate case and flew out the door. (more…)

As with last year, we would be starting from Tapdong Park 탑동공원, north of Jeju City and go around the eastern shoreline past Aewol, Hallim, Chakwido, Daejeong, Jungmun and finally ending on the southern tip in Seogwipo’s Sports Stadium 제주도 월드컵 경기장. But rather than at 06:00, the race time was backdated to 08:00. Despite the obvious benefit (ie: more time to sleep), I was surprised, even shocked that KUMF organizers didn’t consider the obvious downsides:

Not taking advantage of maximum sunlight hours = most runners finishing after dusk and as a result = reduced visibility of and for runners. Not to mention becoming a victim of hypothermia.  (more…)

Waking up at 6am, I lie in bed for the next 45 minutes, half awake and groggy. Usually, I sleep like a rock but emotions of excitement, annoyance of the draft coming from the vent and worry for tomorrow’s 100K run…I was only able to get a good 5 hours of sleep. Not to mention that I’m pretty sure I was talking in my sleep again (arguing about what to pack for lunch?!) Stomach growling, I wake up and tiptoe my way downstairs where one of my roomies (four of us shared a room) was already eating the complimentary breakfast of eggs, toast with jam and coffee.

Mmm…I love the smell of eggs and coffee in the morning!

I reheated a portion of the medicinal rice from yesterday’s market and scrambled 2 egg whites for breakfast. I consider myself an American except when it comes to Korean food – I’m used to eating rice (or usually nothing) rather than bread in the morning. (more…)